Miracle Pain Relief or Hype?

Isn’t it fascinating how things come into your life? Something awful can bring change and solutions to old problems. That is, if we are open to change and new ideas. This  thought is exemplified by something that just happened to me.

I take meditative walks to stay fit, even though I have a chronic spinal condition, chronic hip and knee pain. It hurts but it would be worse if I didn’t do anything…so onward! Last week on a beautiful fall day while walking around the lake, I tripped over a root and in the process whiplashed my neck and upper back. Welcome to “old age!” I immediately was given divine guidance to make an appointment for a massage.

The spa I called said, “Oh do you want a CBD oil massage?”

“What’s CBD oil?” I asked.

After a brief explanation I heard an internal resounding “YES!” So I booked the appointment. Even though I was guided to make the appointment, there was a little (1%) skepticism in the back of my mind. What would this oil do to me? Will I be “out of it” or will nothing at all happen? That little shadow of doubt was resolved by my thought that at worst, the massage itself will be wonderful. And by the way I was in pain, so what did I have to lose?

Much to my pleasure it was an amazing experience! Massages are wonderful, I am sure we can all agree to that, but this one was exceptional for the effects of the oil coupled by the body work. I have never been so relaxed. The pain in my neck and and back was completely gone. I had no strange high feeling or residual anything except relaxation and calm. Moreover, I noticed that the underlying chronic pain I had was alleviated.

This initiated some intense research on my part about CBD oil. In the process, randomly several fellow co-workers, friends and associates brought up CBD oil. If ever there was the need to see the signs, this was it. I had the experience and several people were also looking into to using the oil. It was a done deal for me! Call it confirmation bias, synchronicity or fate if you will, but I call it relief. Finally!

Because of this I have decided to become a distributor and offer this line of products to my clients and friends. CBD Oil

I hope you all give it a try! If you do please message me your results. I am told that, just with all products, not everyone will get relief, but I can say it worked for me on my acute and chronic pain!


Cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of over 85 cannabinoids that have been identified in the cannabis plant. CBD is becoming increasingly popular amongst the masses for having a wide scope of benefits – due to clinical reports and test data showing little to no side effects and a lack of psychoactivity (typically associated with marijuana products and high THC). There is even a product in the line that has 0% trace for those in the Law Enforcement Field.

The Endocannabinoid System

CBD or cannabidiol is the main active compound in hemp, and unlike THC, it is not psychoactive, so it doesn’t make people high. Inside the human body there’s something called the endocannabinoid system, with receptors spread throughout the brain and body. When these receptors are activated, they enable two-way communication between body systems; something previously thought to be impossible.

The History of Hemp

Hemp has a very vast history that cannot go unnoticed. We are very excited to be at the forefront of what we believe is the most valuable commodity to mankind.

Every major civilization in history has recognized hemp as #1 on its list of important plants. The ancient Chinese, Indians, Egyptians, Assyrians, Persians, Greeks and Romans all revered hemp. Now modern science is validating what the ancients all knew – and uncovering exciting new discoveries about hemp.



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