Onward to a Blessed 2019!

Dear All! As 2018 comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on not just this year, but all the 56 years I have lived. With each year that adds upon the last, I see more clearly (not physically, as that is declining, LOL, but wisely) and my understanding deepens to a level I thought…

Miracle Pain Relief or Hype?

Isn’t it fascinating how things come into your life? Something awful can bring change and solutions to old problems. That is, if we are open to change and new ideas. This  thought is exemplified by something that just happened to me. I take meditative walks to stay fit, even though I have a chronic spinal…

Remember the Ant!

How many of you remember these famous lyrics by Jimmy Van Heusen & Sammy Cahn? “…Just what makes that little old ant Think he’ll move that rubber tree plant Anyone knows an ant, can’t Move a rubber tree plant But he’s got high hopes, he’s got high hopes He’s got high apple pie, in the sky…

Today’s Wisdom

Today’s wisdom… After walking the lake and enjoying this God-given day, I was given a message for everyone. It dovetails with lessons in the Master Studies program I’m currently teaching. Our thoughts have power and they create our reality. Our lives are what they are from our own doing, from our own thoughts and perceptions…

What if it is all actually perfect?

What is perfection? Take a moment. Ask yourself “What is perfection?” Now take a breath and release. On your next breath, breathe in through your nose to the count of four then breathe out to the count of four, while internally asking the question, “What is perfection to me?” Continue to do this exercise until…

Interesting full moon energy abound, isn’t it?

A dear friend and fellow member of a Facebook group I am involved in asked me to share a post I made on Facebook to my blog for others in need of relating to or making sense of things going on in their lives. I wrote a lead-in and the post is below! Enjoy…or not!…

Are You Walking Your TALK

Are You Walking Your TALK? Or someone else’s from past programming? Please. Just STOP! Please just stop, and take a breath. Take a slow, deep breath. Citizens of this country, and of the world for that matter, are by far more reactionary instead of being responsive. A beautiful breath, the gift from God, is the crucial…

October Reiki Class Schedule Posted

5-Day Reiki Intensive Training- Levels I, II, ART/Reiki Master  October 23-27, 2017 Dates indicate Reiki I & II and Reiki ART/Master in five days.  For Class Descriptions, see below. Deposits are Non-Refundable.  If cancelled no later than 1 week before the class, deposits may be transferred to future classes within one year. Tuition:  $1,198 Fully…

The Dragon of FEAR

The mounting FEAR being felt among, not only those in the path of the hurricane, but those anticipating being in the path and those who have loved ones in the path of the hurricane is growing larger and large every moment. Make no mistake, there is a direct correlation with the storm’s growth in intensity…

We Must Be Doing Something Right…

When I was first handed the memoirs of Sir Edward Jagen, by the man himself, I was a bit overwhelmed. I knew his story. Lived part of it with him as a co-volunteer, a co-author, a co-presenter, but most of all as a friend. As I read through the pages of his diaries and journals,…

Archangel Summit

Spent today listening so many amazing stories and inspiring people. Consciousness based entrepreneurs are the key to the future we want our children to inherit. http://www.archangelsummit.com My very dear friend Mara Linaberger is here to pitch her “Moonshot” to start micro schools. Her goal is 100 schools all around the globe within 20 years. The purpose…

Reiki Week!

Usui Reiki  Classes levels 1 through Master will be coming in late September. If interested please email sosophia.west@gmail.com or visit Reiki Class Schedule Posted/March-April